16024 County Road X, Kiel, WI 53042
(800) 693-3144
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Panel and Fountain Troubleshooting Guide
Panel and Fountain Troubleshooting Guide
If you are having issues with your panel or fountain, please fill out the information below.
Please enter the day of submission:
Serial Number
Please enter fountain serial number: If you need help finding your serial number please visit: https://www.aquamasterfountains.com/serial-number-locations/
Incoming Power
Voltage L1-L2:
Voltage L2-L3 (N):
Voltage L3 (N) - L1:
Voltage L1 - Ground:
Voltage L2 - Ground:
Voltage L3 - Ground:
*if applicable
Voltage T1 - T2:
Voltage T2 - T3:
Voltage T3 - T1:
Amperage T1:
Amperage T2:
Amperage T3:
Megger Readings
Before Megging any cable, make sure to disconnect any splices and Meg each section of cable independently.
Total Cable Length:
*in feet
Any cable splices, if so, How Many:
Cable Section 1
Please enter values below
L1 - Ground:
L2 - Ground:
L3 - Ground:
Cable Section 2
Please enter values below
*if applicable
L1 - Ground:
L2 - Ground:
L3 - Ground:
Cable Section 3
Please enter values below
*if applicable
L1 - Ground:
L2 - Ground:
L3 - Ground:
Motor 1
Please enter values below
*if applicable
L1 - Ground:
L2 - Ground:
L3 - Ground:
Motor 2
Please enter values below
*if applicable
L1 - Ground:
L2 - Ground:
L3 - Ground:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.